Sunday, November 29, 2015

No. 2 Anatomy of a lie

One of the sages said that we should beware of those who want to arouse in us a sense of guilt because they desire power over us.  Communists understood the validity of this maxim perfectly well.   Julia Brystygierowa, a Jewish executioner of the Stalinist secret police, was famous for repeating that she will beat pride and honor out of Poles, even with a whip if necessary.  She knew that pride and honor of the Poles are the greatest danger for the totalitarian power.   She knew that unless she beats pride and honor out of Poles, she could not enslave them.

In 1989, the Bolshevik Polish People's Republic ceased to exist, but the spirit of Bolshevism and lust for power have united the factions of select representatives of the anti-communist opposition, which means -- erstwhile Communists disguised for Democrats, including Communists with Jewish roots. The Round Table gave Adam Michnik the media.  Gazeta Wyborcza was read by almost all Poles. Adding to that the radio stations as well as TV stations started in the nineties by the people encumbered in the cooperation with 
the Communist secret police (Polsat in 1992 and TVN in 1996), who spoke with the same voice as Adam Michnik and company, 
it must be said that the instruments for beating pride and honor out of Poles were prepared perfectly.

The first victim was the Warsaw Uprising.  It was a dangerous theme.  It was a pattern dripping with Polish pride and honor, which shaped the post-war generation of Poles.  It was dangerous also because in the eyes of the world, it destroyed the Jewish fighting ethos, built with such great difficulty.
 The world knew nothing about the Warsaw Uprising, just because its name was appropriated in 1945-1989 for Jews, who used the name for the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943.  In an article in Gazeta Wyborcza, titled "Poles – Jews: Black Card of the Uprising"
(29-30.01.1994), a freshly baked historian Michal Cichy, as announced by his patron Adam Michnik, revealed  the "full truth" about the Warsaw Uprising, writing that the insurgents were mostly busy murdering Jewish survivors.
 He also wrote that when it comes to the Warsaw Uprising, 
the Poles have nothing to be proud of, because their heroes were ordinary thugs.  Polish historians immediately denounced these barely disguised lies, and Leszek Zebrowski described 
the publication perfectly as "The manufacture of nonsense
about the Warsaw Uprising." Adam Michnik’s action was a big dud. In the end, Michal Cichy publicly apologized to Warsaw insurgents for his article.

Even before the echoes of unfounded accusations against the Warsaw Uprising could subside, the second stage of inducing in Poles the sense of guilt began.  The symbol of the alleged atrocities of Poles has become a town of Jedwabne.  Agnieszka Arnold began by making a documentary film, "Where's my older son Cain", then in year 2000 Jan T. Gross took on and continued the subject in the book titled "Neighbors," which was heavily advertised across Poland.
 The investigation by the IPN [Institute of National Remembrance] concerning the pogrom in Jedwabne later undermined credibility of the testimony of Shmuel Wasersztejn,  the main witness of the Jedwabne events in the film and in the book, as well as the number of victims estimated at 1500-1600 by Gross.  In order to learn what actually happened in Jedwabne,  the exhumation of victims’ bodies had to be carried out.

The issue of exhumation was consulted with the Jewish side.  
The rabbi of Warsaw and Lodz, Michael Schudrich announced that "Respect for the bones of our victims is more important to us than the knowledge of who was killed and how, and of who killed and how."  Jews agreed only to a limited exhumation, i.e., one where you cannot lift the bones.  Exhumation activities began on May 30th, 2001, but the ban on lifting the bones was upheld.  Since this way of exhumation makes the determination of the number of carcasses and causes of death of individual victims impossible, 
the exhumation activities were discontinued on June 4th, 2001.  Despite the protests of historians, who were disallowed to carry out a genuine investigation, the festival of accusations for alleged war crimes against the Poles continues for over a decade, especially against residents of Jedwabne.  The truth is that this Jewish chutzpah of Jedwabne was not intended to establish the historical truth, but to instill in the Poles  a sense of guilt towards the Jews, again with the intent to break the Polish pride and honor.  

It is indeed pitiful that the highest Polish authorities allowed themselves to be dragged themselves into this forgery, at least on two occasions failing to fulfill their obligation to act consistently with Polish law.  Firstly,  the Polish law is the only law governing within the limits of the Republic of Poland, and according to which 
a regular exhumation should have been carried out in Jedwabne.  Secondly, if Poland insisted to be so elegant and respect Jewish law, it should rely on information coming from truly religious Jews, from known and recognized specialists in Jewish law and Jewish tradition, instead of relying on the words of one American rabbi and succumb to pressures from Polish-American Jewish leftists.

Orthodox rabbi Joseph A. Polak, a former prisoner of the German camps at Westerbork and Bergen‑Belsen, chairman of the halachic council of the Boston rabbinical court, disagrees with the decision banning xhumation of mass graves.  "The victims of Jedwabne should have been exhumed and buried again, either in the nearby Jewish cemetery or in the State of Israel.  The fact that this is not just a halachic option, but a fundamental duty is unambiguously clear from many sources. [...] ". 

In the light of the above interpretation of the Jewish law,
the Polish State should immediately cancel decisions made several years ago, and in consultation with the community of religious Jews, carry out the exhumation, which is the prerequisite to explain what really happened in Jedwabne in 1941.  

No discussion about Jedwabne makes sense until after the exhumation.

At the same time it should be remembered that every historical event is deeply rooted in time and space, i.e., it is conditioned by political and territorial realities.  The region of Bialystok – where 
the town of Jedwabne lies – is a part of Poland which in September of 1939 was invaded and then occupied by the Soviets.  The most shameful and threatening for the Polish population in the eastern Polish lands, was the widespread cooperation of Polish Jews with 
the Soviets in drawing up lists of Poles and Polish families earmarked for deportation to Siberia. 
In other words, in the period from September 17th, 1939 to June 22nd, 1941, it was the Jewish neighbors who pointed to the Soviets, whom of the Poles and Polish families to send “to the polar bears", i.e., to places from which hardly anyone was coming back alive.  
The Jews promote to the world the barn in Jedwabne, in which allegedly lie the remains of the Jews murdered because of Polish anti-Semitism.  But no Jew would ever bend before the monument which stands in the central square in Jedwabne to commemorate Poles murdered by the Soviets in Siberia in 1939-1941, because their Jewish neighbors reported to the Soviet functionaries that these Poles do not love communism.  As a rule, the Jews envelop their own crimes in silence.  Such attitudes of the Jewish communists are a part of the permanent exhibition in 
the Museum of the History of Polish Jews.

Attitudes of Jews who pointed disloyal residents of Jedwabne to 
the Soviets, thereby sentencing them to death, cannot be extended to the entire Jewish nation.  Yet, the crowd is governed by its own rules, so Poles tended to suspect all Jews for such attitudes.  Therefore, when in 1941 the Germans began to occupy the area of ​​Bialystok, incidents of as yet undocumented deaths of Jews could have occurred in Jedwabne or other places in the region.  Yet, it was not about any anti-Semitism, but about ordinary human revenge among the Poles for their loved ones who, at exactly the same time, froze or died of hunger and exhaustion in the taigas of Siberia – through the Jewish denunciations.  These motifs would qualify possible cases of murder of Jews by Poles in the Bialystok region as a murder of passion.  Revenge is always blind, so it often victimized innocent Jews, because those who sentenced Poles to death usually managed to withdraw with Soviet troops to the east.

Tomasz Gross became famous in recent days for announcing to 
the world that Poles during World War II killed more Jews than they killed Germans.  It would be better for Tomasz Gross to finally shut up, instead of opening Pandora’s boxes.  Because if you count carefully all Polish residents of Jedwabne, residents of Galicia, Volyn, Podlasie and Bialystok exiled in 1939-1941 to die in Siberian gulags because of a denunciation by Polish Jews; if you count all 
the Polish underground soldiers of Bialystok, Lublin, Mazovia and Podkarpacie exiled by the Jewish operatives of NKVD and UB to Siberia in the second round-up in the years 1944-1945; if you count all the victims of the Jewish judges, prosecutors and functionaries of UB and KBW from the years 1944-1956, then the barn in Jedwabne – about which, by the way, no-one knows yet what it really hides – may be an even bigger flop than a failed attempt to discredit
the Warsaw Uprising. 
Author’s sources: 
1.      T. Strzembosz, „Polacy – Żydzi: Czarna karta Gazety Wyborczej”, Gazeta  
       Wyborcza, Feb. 5-6, 1994.
 2..  Żebrowski, „Fabryka bzdur o Powstaniu Warszawskim”, Gazeta Polska, July 13, 1995.  See also: L. Żebrowski,  „Paszkwil Wyborczej”, Warsaw, 1995.
 3.  Piotr Kadlcik, „O ekshumacji”, Kolbojnik – Biuletyn Gminy Wyznaniowej
      Żydowskiej w Warszawie, nr 4/2014. 

(abridged by Zbigniew Koralewski, translated by Andrzej Burghardt, edited by Dr. Mark & Ann Pienkos)

Anatomy of a Lie – Dr. Ewa Kurek  GWIAZDA POLARNA No. 21, Oct. 17, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

No.1 Poland already paid

American Jewish groups again demand the restitution of property. The value of claims is at least 60 billion dollars.
Several days ago, the World Jewish Congress, the World Organization of Jewish Affairs for Restitution,as well as Stuart Eisenstat, special advisor to the United States Secretary of State for Holocaust issues, expressed deep disappointment, sadness and regret at the suspension of work on the re-privatization bill.
The appeal for restitutions was joined by the Polish Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich who has stated that the refusal to return property is immoral. It is strange that the representatives of the Jewish community somehow do not get it that their claims are groundless, that the Polish state has no outstanding ommitments regarding restitution of property, and that re-privatization continued  for years and has already led to the return of tens of thousands of properties by way of administrative and judicial intervention. Three years ago, the United States Congress in its resolution included such wording: "the Polish government IS URGED for the immediate enactment of a fair and omprehensive law.... We URGE also to ensure that the law on restitution and compensations are established as a non-bureaucratic, simple and transparent process.... "

It may of course be that it is impossible to determine the familial heirs of the estates taken from their Jewish owners. Then, under such circumstances, as claimed by Jewish organizations, estates should be transferred to foundations designed to deal with the commemoration of Jewish heritage. The value of the potential claims relating to Jewish property is variously estimated,
the lowest given sum is 60 billion dollars. 
[Yet In any democratic country the related applicable rule of law holds that the only entity legally entitled to the successive ownership of any assets left by her heir-less and intestate citizens is the government of their country which, in these cases, is Poland. – added by zk]

(The United States Congress should remember who sold Poland "down the river" to Stalin at Tehran and Yalta during World War II, and who imposed communism in Poland by killing the opposition.  Morally, it would seem appropriate for the United States and the World Jewish Congress to admit that it is about time that legislative work on a bill should be initiated that would compensate Poland and its citizens for their properties east of the Kurzon Line that had been arbitrarily and forcibly seized on what was to be a permanent basis by the Soviet Union in September 1939, in an action similar to that of the seizure of Crimea by the Russian Federation some 75 years later. - added by zk) 

Poland and accession to NATO (extortion of restitutions - add by .zk)
Jewish organizations since the mid-1990s have attempted to persuade Poland to enact laws of restitution (then in exchange for consent to admission to NATO). Initially they demanded, above all, the return of the property to Jewish communities. In 1997 the Sejm passed a law of the reimbursement of municipal property,          and because of that the Polish Jewish communities regained many public facilities,     the return of which occurred in a very wide range, and the formalities were maximally reduced. Rightly so, then the Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski stated that Poland had generously returned communal Jewish properties.

As of today
From a legal point of view, the Jews who lost their estates in Poland during World War II already received full compensation in accordance with the United States - Poland Agreement of July 16, 1960. This is confirmed by the United States Department of Justice. Compensation for the effects of the Holocaust was paid by the German state. It was the Germans who invaded Poland, confiscated Jewish estates, organized and carried out the Holocaust. Under the Treaty of 1952 between the State of Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany (i.e., West Germany), that non-communist German nation sent Israel approximately  3.5 billion marks for damages. In addition, Israel received annual economic and financial assistance. The total value of all financial benefits from West Germany for Israel and its citizens were estimated at 60 billion marks. That it was the right sum of payment and full satisfaction was evident by the fact that the Jewish community since then has not announced any other claims against Germany, and from its related operative negotiation terminology  the term "German concentration camps"
(and the word Germany, has been replaced by the word, Nazis – added by zk). 

Restitution by Poland to private owners.
Already almost thirty thousand of the former owners and their descendants have obtained favorable rulings for themselves, and almost twice as many cases are being handled. Every case of lost property is different. The properties obtained by the state varied, some stay stable in worse shape, and others regained original elegance thanks to larger investments. Related costs and benefits varied, as it happened that the state had occupied the heavily indebted properties by the former owners and burdened with mortgages. Specialized judicial and administrative measures are designed to thoroughly and properly  settle these matters. In 2010 alone, it paid nearly 150 million złoty to former owners of property from the restitution fund. Therefore, all who desire to have their cases to be dealt fairly should seek recourse before the courts and administrative bodies.

The statement of the Minister

Minister Sikorski has recently recalled the agreement for damages (restitution) concluded in 1960 by Poland and the USA. Under its provisions, Poland submitted $ 40 million to the United States for "total settlement and discharge of all claims of U. S. nationals, both individuals and others, to the Polish Government" for any decision to re-acquire expropriated property. This sum was to be allocated "at the discretion of the Government of the United States",  and also: "After the entry into force of the agreement, the United States Government will not present the Polish Government with, nor will support, the claims of US citizens to the Polish Government." The agreement makes clear that henceforth any claim of United States citizens for compensation  for property lost in Poland can be directed only to  authorities of the American government..

Does Poland have any restitution commitments yet to nationals of other countries?

 John Bogutyn rresponds, president of InterRisk Insurance Company SA,
former Polish Deputy Minister of Finance

As a citizen I am appalled by the recent alleged claims. I believe that we should not have any obligations, because in light of the agreements from the period of my work in the Ministry of Finance, this issue was regulated in the communist era. In the early 1960s in an almost perfect way the Polish government negotiated settlements for the property, which was nationalized and belonged to citizens of other countries, including Americans. A document from the American side was signed by U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and on the Polish side by Prime Minister Jozef Cyrankiewicz. It implied that Poland gave $ 40 million to the United States for claims of payments to involved American citizens. This agreement was ratified by the U.S. Congress and the Polish Sejm. The U.S. government took responsibility for any liabilities which could arise on the part of its citizens. Now the correct address for submitting claims is the State Department in Washington. I'm surprised that nobody, neither in the U.S. nor in Poland, remembers that. What I read now about the claims, it seems to me, is a scandal. Why do we have to pay twice for something that has already been paid? This would be an unjustified attempt to extort property, this would be a daylight robbery. Poland had signed such agreements with 14 countries, i.e., liabilities to Swiss citizens were paid by our supplies of coal, Americans were paid in cash. Today, if someone thinks that some property should be his or hers,  that person can always individually take legal action.
It must be remembered that these properties -- apart from their nominal values -- over many years after the nationalization were maintained, repaired, and taxes paid for should be taken into account for any evaluation. In other states that have followed a road similar to that of Poland, e.g.,
 the Czech Republic,  the problem is completely non-existant.

Prof. Lyudmila Dziewięcka-Bokun, law, economics, political science, social policy, rector of the Lower Silesian School of Public Service "Assessor" in Wroclaw

We cannot for generations pay for historical injustice, sometimes even reaching back to the [18th century] Partitions of Poland. Other countries have already done it, and we still expose ourselves to various comments, political, and religious connotations. This should have been closed long ago; otherwise our wealth will be plundered, and distributed anew. Each new Polish ruling party wants to show its good will to the citizens of other countries who report further claims. This must be done once, finally and categorically, so in the future misunderstandings will be avoided.

statements noted by Bronislaw Tumiłowicz

[The letter of June 29, 2015 signed by 46 congressmen addressed to the Secretary of State John Kerry, once again refers to restitutions. It is now a good opportunity for the PAC to summarize this issue and together with the Polish government  end up  restitutions clams  once and for all – comment by zk]-----

(synopsis, translation and footnotes Zbyszek Koralewski, editing Prof. Anthony Bajdek)
Poland already paid - author Andrew Dryszel, April 3, 2011